Hello everybody!"

What is that? Never seen things like this before!


That was my first time in the "Schönbrunn" zoo on my mum's shoulders. In former times King Franz Joseph built the zoo for his wife "Sisi".

That's me with my friend Filipa. She's two months older than I am.

Mom and I crawling. I do that all the time, the crawling. It's fun and I'm almost as fast as the others walking.

I luuuuv the water! I can't stop walking in not so deep water, and bathing, and playing with it ... and afterwards I get "toweled".

Playing with Mom's CDs is almost better than swimming.

This is Grandpa and I at a family party. Greatgranddad and - Ma (the parents of Granddad) are always happy to see me.

Mum dressed me up for the party.

Granddad walks around with me a lot. It's not good for his sore back, but he does it for me! :)

Time for swimming again! I'm ready for the sun.

Mum and I reading a book. I turn around the pages all by myself! Dad teached me.

Time by time I tease the dogs. They don't mind most of the time.

Who is there? Oh, it's Uncle Constantin in the pool ... I wish I was big enough to swim by myself ...

Look how small my feet are!

Granddad, me and the dogs. Oh yes - happy news in the end: I finally got teeth! Two, to be precisely. It hurt much and Mum and I didnt get much sleep in the night, but that's life I guess :)
Anyway, I hope two hear news from you all soon! Maybe some of you want to despcribe this forum and leave me messages after the text? You just have to click "subscribe" up on the right side of this page.
Kiss and hugs for you all!