Hi everybody!
How is everyone? Haven't heard from you for a while ... It's time for a new Photostory about me! Everyone ready? Excited? :)

This is the family sitting in my grandparents' garden. That's where we spent our weekends - we meet here in the east of Austria, close to Vienna, in the countryside, for lunch. When it's nice outside, we do the Barbecue. We did this a LOT this summer, as it's very hot and nice this year.
(From left to right: Greatgrandma Valery, Cousin Anna Paulina, Grandma Chris, Aunt Beate, Uncle Constantin, Greatuncle Hans-Michael and Grandpa Fritz. Visit from Germany.)

This is a picture from a part of our huge garden. My Grandparents have a lot of work with it, but they just looove nature. Last weekend we had a terrible storm going on - everything was wasted afterwards.

Hi! This is me with Grandma enjoying the wheather. I'm ten months old now.

The dogs, Bailey and Chelsea, love the summer too. Chelsea is Baileys puppy, but they are about the same size already. They are very protective with me, but Mum always keeps an eye on us.

I discovered my feet and toes lately. They are funny. I sometimes try to eat them, and they taste Yummi!

My Uncle Thomas is always making fun with me - I love when he throws me in the air and around and around ...

Me and Mommy.

I LOVE Spaghetti. See? My mouth is full of it - but not full of teeth - I still dont have a single tooth.

My Greatgranny Valery turns 80 next year.

On this pic I look All German. But I'm not! I'm Austrian, right? Daddy broght me this dress by the way. Looks cute on me, doesn't it?

I just about to crawl. I do my best, but I just can't move forward!

We celebrated Mum's 28 Birthday on 4th of June in a very famous funpark in Vienna, the Prater. It's very close to our home. Was very funny there. Mum and Uncle Thomas took some funny giant bell, which was turning fast. Mum almost threw up. Thomas loved it.

I slept in the meanwhile - but the others had a lot of fun.

Tired again - good night everybody! Please send us an email with news! Daddy told us, Grandma gets an surgery? Is that true? Everything alright now with you? I hope so!
Big kiss and hugs from all of us!
NEXT >>>(8) "In the summer time"