Heeeello! How's everybody?
I'm very happy and looking forward to my very first birthday. When I'm happy I purse my nose (hope that's the right word - u can see it in the pic: my nose gets all wrinkled, and my eyebrows high. If Mum has seen right on ur family portrait, Granddad does this too, right? That's funnny)

That's my favorite activity at the moment: Stair Climbing. As soon as I could crawl, Mum could'nt hold me back from risking my neck, crawling somewhere high. I don't fear anything.

Yeah! I did it! 20 stairs, wow, long way. Let's take a look back through my legs.

The dogs, hunting dogs, always surround me like a big viennese sausage. :) No, just kidding, they don't wanna eat me, they love me! And I love them too! I can already name them "Wawa". (My only spoken word beside "mama" and "papa")

Hui, I'm tired now. Big effort, the stair climbing. Look at my scar on my chest - it healed wonderfully!

That's me and my friends - a big pink bunch!

Here are my latest funny photos from eating. On the first picture u can see both of my teeth! They hurt a lot, when they broke out, but they taste funny with my tongue.

Can't wait for my birthday party - I'm gonna send u a long story afterwards! Too bad that u all can't come. But maybe we celebrate a future one in New Zealand together ...
Rosalie and Cat
NEXT STORY: (10) "Rosalie's 1st Birthday"