28. April 07 | reizueberflutung

Doesn't my tongue look strange? ... Got you, its a dried apricot! Hihi...

HELLO DADDY! Daddy came all the long way from Thailand to see me. It's been the second time he saw me - last time I was only a little poor worm, struggling for life in the hospital. Now Im a big girl already, and healthy too!

Daddy and I had a lot of fun. On this pictures u can see me being a Strawberry. Daddy was irritated (and Yes! He is wearing a Shirt!).

First I thought Dad had snakes on his head, but then I realized they were ropes to pull! Yehaa!

All three of us!

That's Daddy's Girl, isn't it? Eyes, head shape... We look a lot alike, that's what Mommy thinks.

The different faces of Rosalie Heindl ... I can be grumpy too! (Pictures taken inbetween 30 seconds)